On Tuesday, January 30, 2018 during the 4th Quarter Earnings call for Hospital Corporation of America (HCA), Milton Johnson, the corporation’s CEO, announced that HCA is buying 100,000 iPhones.
These smartphones will all be utilizing our MH-CURE software throughout the enterprise and we are proud of our role in making HCA a mobility-enabled company. We’re honored to take the lead in deploying this large-scale project, so after our glow subsided a bit, we asked the question “What do you do with 100,000 iPhones?”
The obvious initial answer is that you use them to mobilize clinicians, but what do you really DO with them?
You use them to build a clinical mobility platform
We’re proud of our MH-CURE software, but it is just the foundation for deploying an enterprise-wide mobility platform. We’re almost always the “first player into the game” to provide the initial CC&C capability. Our open architecture and APIs will enable HCA to add other world-class clinical applications onto these iPhones – both directly as other apps on the device, but also via numerous clinical systems integrated with our MH-CURE application. From AI to Predictive Analytics, these smartphones will provide breakthrough capability to the patients’ care teams. Via 100,000 iPhones, we will build out an unmatched clinical mobility platform.
You use them to measure results and improve workflows
100,000 iPhones will also create an enormous amount of operational data and we will assist HCA in organizing and analyzing this information that was unavailable until our CC&C platform was deployed. By being able to “Manage what you can Measure,” our clinical informatics professionals will look to optimize workflows throughout the hospitals. These workflow changes will result in better, higher quality patient care at lower costs.
You use them to improve patient outcomes
With 100,000 iPhones available and improved workflows in place, clinicians will have the ability to focus on the practice of medicine via the best possible mobile tools in their hands at the point of care. The golden ring of better patient outcomes will become their highest priority and will be attainable.
So, what do you do with 100,000 iPhones? The answer: one incredible patient-focused achievement after another.