Mobile Heartbeat Sponsors Inaugural Healthcare Messaging Conference and Exhibition

WALTHAM, Mass. – November 27, 2017 –

Mobile Heartbeat®, a leading provider of unified clinical communications and collaboration technology that improves clinical workflow and team communication, is a silver sponsor of the inaugural Healthcare Messaging Conference and Exhibition, taking place in Boston on November 29 and 30.


Entrepreneur and Mobile Heartbeat founder, Jack Mark, will present about “How the Healthcare Messaging Market is Evolving”. Mark will delve into how hospitals select and implement secure messaging platforms, evaluating best of breed applications.


Mike Detjen, Chief Strategy Officer at Mobile Heartbeat, will present on the “The Value Hierarchy for Clinical Communications and Collaboration.” Detjen will explore how efficient clinical workflows and unified communication platforms can improve patient outcomes. Driving adoption of mobile clinical communications and collaboration technology can be challenging. Detjen will share best practices and results from Mobile Heartbeat customers who have successfully achieved true enterprise adoption.

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