A loud klaxon sounds in a busy hospital unit. A patient is in pain and needs the attention of one of your caregivers.
Unfortunately, nobody knows who should be going to the room. The patient just came into the unit and the assigned nurse is nowhere to be seen. Who is responsible for responding to the patient’s request?
Clearly, this is a nightmare scenario, but I bet there are people reading this for whom it may sound all too eerily familiar.
So, how can a properly constructed dynamic care team and directed messaging help prevent this from happening?
First, a dynamic care team can ensure that the patient care teams on the floor have the proper tools to make real-time patient-to-staff assignments. This should be a part of your modern nurse call solution, a call system that keeps all mobile devices up-to-date on which staff members are assigned to each patient.
Of course, this needs to be augmented with an alert to the Unit Coordinator or Charge Nurse whenever a patient doesn’t have a nurse or other key caregiver assigned.