Our second annual user group is over, and we’re pleased that it had everything a user group should: It was collaborative and informative. We celebrated our customers’ (many) successes and brainstormed even more ideas to build upon our platform.

Though MHUG only spanned three days, those days were completely packed with exciting and important information. If you couldn’t make it this year, you’re probably wondering what you missed, so we’ve boiled all our amazing presentations and breakout sessions into five key takeaways about our platform and how our customers are interacting with it.

Watch our video recap from MHUG 2018!

1. Mobility Tools Get Clinicians Back to the Bedside

As we learned from Dr. Robert Crupi at New York-Presbyterian, physician engagement is so important to maximizing the time-saving benefits of a communication and collaboration solution like the MH-CURE Platform. Developing buy-in from physician leadership early on in the process of rolling out a clinical communication & collaboration platform can ensure that your staff will engage more fully with the technology once it goes live. When this type of widespread buy-in occurs early on, the impact of a mobility platform on patient care are realized that much faster. When care team members can rely on secure smartphones for real-time alerts and information, they spend less time running around and more time with their patients.

2. Collaboration Is King

It seems so simple, but you’d be surprised how many units can feel siloed in their respective facilities. Evolving out of the pre-smartphone model of communicating can take some getting used to. This is why at the outset of implementing a new communications platform, analyzing communication pathways, establishing baselines and measuring benchmarks is critical to breaking down communication barriers between departments. As the famous saying goes, if you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it. Our customers are seeing their benchmarking efforts driving real results across their enterprise. Being able to communicate directly with anesthesiologists or pharmacists via MH-CURE in your area means you can collaborate more effectively, and that ease of information translates to improved patient outcomes.

3. Our Customers Are Doing Amazing Things

This one is obvious, but it can’t be overstated. Here at Mobile Heartbeat, we like to think of our customers as partners because we become so involved in setting up their clinical communication workflows and making sure they have everything they need for success. That’s why we were so excited last week to see exactly what they’ve been up to. From Eisenhower Health’s improved nurse call response times (seven seconds, down from four minutes) to Yale New Haven Health’s incredible work with their neonatal intensive care unit, our customers have derived impactful, measurable outcomes through their implementations of our platform.

4. Fewer Alarms + Dynamic Roles = Happy Nurses

Alarm fatigue is an infamous culprit behind nurse and physician burnout. Another common challenge in the acute care setting is knowing who else is on the care team for a patient and how to contact them. Our platform solves for both of those problems and has resulted in much happier clinicians and improved HCAHPS scores across the board. Samantha Herold at Yale New Haven Health explained that the NNICU has seen a two-thirds reduction in alarms, while Michelle Fisher said Lancaster General Hospital has recorded a six-decibel drop in noise levels, shortly after launching MH-CURE. A quieter facility means clinicians aren’t needlessly distracted, and patients can focus on healing.

5. It Only Gets Better From Here

We shared our product roadmap for 2019 and where we plan to take Mobile Heartbeat in the future. Through a series of hands-on breakout sessions, but we also discussed with our customers ways they’d like to see us grow, and how we can create tools to better meet their needs. Needless to say, Mobile Heartbeat users have a lot to look forward to in the coming year!

This is why we look forward to MHUG every year. The environment of collaboration and idea sharing is what fuels our innovation and keeps us positioned as a leader in clinical communication and collaboration.

If you missed out on MHUG this year, don’t worry—we’ll have some information about #MHUG19 in January! We hope to see you there.